
Welcome to Español1on1class

 Hey looking for fluent in Spanish  Start your free course from begginer to Advanced Subscribe to our channel to take your Daily free lesson just in 1 min Learn Grammar, paragraph, stories, and much more Download the pdf instructions of Español1on1class Which guide you to the lesson and featured Download

Weekly assignment

How to ask for coffee in Spanish?  Write below How to ask when is your birthday Write below Write all sentences you learned from listening practice Write colours name in Spanish

Weekly assissment answer

Q2. Missing letter 1. Pollo 2. Ciudad Q3.  Body part 1. Nariz - Nose 2. Mano - hand 3. Dedo - finger 4. Ojo - eye 5. Oreja - ear Q4. Week's day Lune - Monday Marte - Tuesday Miercoles - Wednesday Jueve - Thursday Viernes - Friday Sábado - Saturday Domingo - Sunday Fin de semana - weekend Semana - week Q5. Household Mesa - table Silla - chair Cama - bed And done Join Español1on1class for free On duolingo Sign up duolingo than, Type on search engine And tap continue than your teacher is now able to see your progress Get skill with learning  Keep learn in fun

Weekly Assissment

Quiz Take Quiz Q2. Missing letters 1. P_ ll _ 3. C _ u _ a d Q3. Name any five body names in Spanish Q4. Write the days of the week including weekend Q4. Write any 3 House appliance /House Hold And done..  Answer will come tomorrow Get skill with learning Keep learn in fun

Did you refresh your Spanish Learning week

Today is weekly refresher means on Saturday So, Go now on Español1on1class Learn in fun's YouTube channel and checkout your weekly refresher Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Top 4 Verbs in Spanish

Vocabulary Correr - Run Reirse - Laugh/smile Escribir - Write Ver - See Example Necesito Zapatos Correr en escuela I need shoes to run in School Veo más reirse See more to laugh Quiero boligrafo escribir I want pen to write Abres la tele porque quiero ver mi canal favorito Can you open the T.V because I want to watch my favorite channel And done...  Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Dialogues Practice in Shopping mall

Dialogues Spanish You- ¡hola!  Sevicer- ¡hola!  Servicer- ¿Qué pasa?  You- Yo necesito un abrigo negro Servicer- Sí, Yo sé Dónde está abrigo negro You- Sí, Por favor Servicer- Ven Conmigo You- Sí Servicer- Aqui está abrigo negro y mucho otra ropa  You- ¡Gracias!  Servicer- De nada English You- Hello!  Servicer- Hello!  Servicer- What's matter?  You- I need a black coat Servicer- I know! Where is black coat You- Yes please Servicer- Come with me You- Yes Servicer- Here is black coat and other clothes You- Thank you Servicer- Welcome Vocabulary Abrigo - Coat Negro - Black Yo sé - I know Ven conmigo - Come with me Otra - other Ropa - Clothes Lesson point How to ask something to servicer Here is key 🔑 which you can use to ask from something see it Servicer - ¡Hola! ¿Qué Pasa?  So, here you can say Yo necesito (un/una/unos) ___________ I need (a/a/some) _________ Mean Yo necesito + if noun is (m) so say (un) or noun is (f) so say (una) and some so say (unos) then +  (thing you want)  Y

Self Introduction informal

Do you able to introduce yourself in Spanish Yes Or No, So now it's time to learn something new Spanish introduction is very and funny So, Let's begin Always First we say Hello So, Hello in Spanish is Hola H is silent So, pronounce OLA Next we say I'm  So, it's Soy Naturally in Spanish I is Yo and Soy means Am  But when We introduce yourself we say Soy So, Say Yo soy (name)  And done..  And next is Nice to meet you  So,it's Mucho gusto Means Nice to meet you  And done..  Now say full introduction Hola  Soy _________ Mucho gusto Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Directions in Spanish

 Actually There are ten direction but in our normal life we just need to know 4 direction So, let's know it in Spanish Vocabulary East - Este West - Oeste North - Norte South - Sur  Lesson point Between English and Spanish the word are very similar like color, months of year, days of week likely direction is also very similar See, North   You just need to cut h and put e and done And see again In West  Cut the Way in starting than put On in place of W and in ending put e after t and done..  Want more.. Keep checking daily  Word of the day, infograohic lesson to make daily habit to speak and learn more Spanish like a native  Get skill with learning Keep learn in fun

Colors in Spanish

Red - Rojo Yellow - Amarilla Green - Verde Orange - Naranja Purple, Violet - Morado Blue - Azul Golden - Dorado White - Blanco Black - Negro  Brown - Marrón Pink - Rosa  And done..  You have learned many Spanish colors now you are able to say all colors around you Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to Learn with infographic

Grammar top words

Here is Grammar point After this lesson you will be able to say noun, pronoun, verb, adverb So, let's begin Noun - Susantivo Hay es libro de susantivo There is book of noun Pronoun - Pronombre En español noun dice susantivo y pronoun dice pronombre In Spanish noun called susantivo and pronoun called pronombre Verb - Verbo Action está Verbo Action is verb Adverb - Adverbio Delgado, rápido y muchos palabras  adverbio Thin, fast and many words is adverb Preposition - Preposition Preposición no está nombre Preposition is not name Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Weekly Assissment

Here is your weekly assissment Be honest, don't cheat Attempt those which you know Q.1 Fill in the blank 1. Dos _______ por favor (Mascotas, Mesa)  2. Quieres ________ por desayuno (Café, casa)  3. Limpiar __________ ahora (Cocina, movíl)  4. Yo tengo dos ________ (Abuela, libro)  5. De _______ eres (Dónde, mano)  Q.2 Meanings 1. De 2. Eres 3. Pollo 4. Usted 5. Mesa 6. Sí 7. Autobús 8. Movíl 9. Necesito 10. Tele Q.3 1 person, 2 person, 3 person Here you have to write Rules of 1,2,3 person in Spanish this rules in every verbs so, be carefull. Here is e.g understand it E.g  Words - Tener        1 person - Tengo         2 person - Tienes        3 person - Tiene  Hint : for first person mostly used O For 2 person es For 3 person e So let's begin Limpiar Caminar Tener Decir Ver Hablar Cerrado Abrir And done... It's small assissment but you have learned many useful grammar tips  Before going download your book of the month now on Learning sheet Learn Spanish from your your first

Download your book of the months " Begginer spanish words and phrase " you need this book really


Top Spanish Vocabulary for Restaurant

Mesa Table Una mesa por favor One table please Personas People's Hay es muchos personas There is many people's Popular Popular Este restaurante está muy popular This restaurant is very popular Comída Food Comída de este restaurante es muy bueno Food of this restaurant is very good Plato plate Uno plato de pescado por favor A plate of fish please

Spanish Word of the day

 Por favor Please Yo necesito un boligrafo por favor I need one pen please Yo quiero dos muñecas por favor I want two dolls please

Traveling Words and phrase

 Visit - Viajar Hotel - Hotel Reservation - Reserva Suitcase - Maleta Purse - Cartera Party - Fiesta Friends - Amigos Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to  Espanol1on1class.blogspot.

3 words vocabulary

El desayuno The breakfast  Yo hago el desayuno por mi maja  I make the breakfast for my mother  El almuerzo  The lunch  Nosotros hacemos almuerzo en tarde  We make lunch in noon  La cena  The dinner  Yo comí poco en cena I eat little in dinner  Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Spanish Word of the day

Parque  Park, Garden  Yo quiero ir al parque  I want to go to the Garden  Iré al parque  I'll go to the park Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Spanish word of the day

Carro  Car  John tiene carro nueve  John have new car  Yo Quiero carro grande I want big car  Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Spanish word of the day

Carro  Car  John tiene carro nueve  John have new car  Yo Quiero carro grande I want big car  Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

House words in Spanish

Long press the image then tap Download to download it  Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to Get skill with learning  Keep learn in fun Here is link to download it

Days of the week in Spanish

Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to Long click the image then tap download  Image  Want more.. Subscribe our blog to receive daily lesson in your Gmail 

Weather words in Spanish

Hey when new years start many people think about weather do you want to impress people to discuss about weathers in Spanish easily here is vocabulary for weather  Long click the image and tap download image to download it for free  Want more.. Subscribe Espanol1on1class for free  Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Spanish Word of the day

La puerta The door Mi abuelo compra puerta nuevo por su casa My grandfather buy new door for his house  Hay es cuatro puertas en mi casa  There is four doors in my house Learn Spanish from your your first lesson  Subscribe free for access all free lesson word of the day, quiz, weekly assessment, and much more . All lesson will deliver to your Gmail So don't worry about forget to take lesson  So, Subscribe now to

Assissment answer

Here is your assissment's answer  So check it  Q1.  1. How are you  2. Mi madre está bueno  3. Padres  4. Yo aprendo español por ti  Q2.  1. Father  2. Mother  3. Brother  4. Sister  5. Casa  6. En Q3. This is defend on your thoughts So, here is not ans  Q4.  Leche  Importante Lo siento  Falda  Por Cama  Q5.  Hola me llama ________  Mucho gusto  ¿Comó se llamas?  And done..  We post Spanish Assissment every Sunday So,  Get skill with learning Keep learn in fun

Essential Household Spanish vocabulary

It's time to learn vocabulary for Spanish the vocabulary is very important for learning because if you want to speak like native so you need to learn more than 2000 words After that you will have all words which you need for your daily speaking so start now  So, let's get started  House  Casa  Iré mi casa antes de siete y media  I will go my house at 7 : 30  Mesa  Table  Yo necesito compro una mesa para mi hija  I need to buy a table for my daughter  Cama  Bed  Juan tiene cama grande  Juan have big bed  Silla  Chair  No me gusta está silla  I don't like this chair  Movíl  Mobile  Yo tengo mucho movíl  I have many mobile  Reloj  Clock  Creo, reloj negro está bueno pero reloj marrón está muy bueno  I think, black clock is good but brown clock is very good  Want more....  Subscribe us now for free 

Spanish Word of the day

Here it's time for word of the day  Aqui         ( pronounciation) A k I  Here      Aqui está mi libro de texto  Here is my textbook  ¿Tú eres estudias aqui ?  Do you study here  If you can't check your Weekly assissment  So checkout it now

Weekly Spanish assessgment

Here is your weekly assessment  Weekly assessment is very important because it's recover your all week like  Words  Phrase  Sentence  Grammar and much more  So , Let's started  Write all questions in your Notebook  Or Answer orally  1. Fill all answer or translate Q. Comó estás  A.  Q. My mother is good  A.  Q. Parents  A.  Q. I learn Spanish for you  A.  2. Writes meaning  Padre  Madre  Hermano  House  In  3. Make sentence of words  1. Grande ( big )  2. Encanta ( love )  3. Familia ( family )  4. Pan ( bread )  Q4. Write in Spanish  1. Milk  2. Important  3. Sorry  4. Skirt  5. Thanks  6. For  7. Bed  5. Now last question  Write Your Introduction  Here in English ,you need write it in Spanish  Hello  My name is  (           )  Nice to meet you  What is your name  And done...  Now answer will come next day then you will able to check your answers  Get skill with Learning  Keep Learn in fun  Want free Spanish lesson go to..

Spanish Word of the day

Dirty Sucio ( m)  Sucia ( f)  Mi oficina está muy sucio My office is very dirty Mi aula está muy sucia My classroom is very dirty Want more So daily checkout our blog..

3 words vocabulary with Español1on1class

Hey it's time for Spanish vocabulary A veces Sometimes Mucho A lot Nueblo Cloudy Learn more with...

Spanish word of the day

Want to learn Spanish fast , checkout our daily word of the day to learn atleast 1 word of Spanish, It's just take 30 second Deberes Homework  Tengo muchos deberes hoy I have a lot homework today Mi hermana encanta su deberes  My sister love his homework Want more.. Take daily 1 min lesson at

Spanish Word of the day

Learn atleast 1 word to improve your Spanish vocabulary  Cena - Dinner  Want more go to our YouTube channel Español1on1class Learn in fun And watch many video lesson at one place

3 words Vocabulary

It's time to learn 3 words of the day  Hello - Hola  Bienvenida - Welcome ( enter)  Lugar - Place  Now if you can't see the word of the day  So, go and check it out it's totally free on

Spanish Word of day

Español palabra de día Spanish Word of the day Pescado - Fish  No me gusta pescado  I don't like fish  Este pescado está muy bueno This fish is very good  Restaurante de pescado está no aqui  The fish restaurant is not here  POWERED BY Skill1on1class Send feedback us to

3 words vocabulary

Learn Spanish with Español1on1class 3 words vocabulary Zapatos - Shoes Apartemento - Apartment Ciudad - City  Want to learn more Spanish Support us...  Feedback to Daily 1 min language learning improve your skill to much  Learn for free and fun Our mission is just to give you a Skill  POWERED BY SKILL1ON1CLASS

3 words vocabulary

 Abuelos - Grandparants Padres - Parents Hijos - Children Learn more... With Espanol1on1class POWERED BY SKILL1ON1CLASS

Spanish Word of the day

Welcome to Word of the day Ropa Clothe Eg. Yo tengo una ropa barato       I have a cheap clothe     Want to become our free student Send us email to  Compose - want to be student       ( name)         ( address)        ( State and country)       ( age)        And done....      POWERED BY SKILL1ON1CLASS

Spanish words for School ( School Vocabulary)

Hey are you a student So, this lesson very important for if you go to school there many thing which you tell in Spanish to impress your friends or show to teachers So, Vansmos  1. Nombre - Name    Eg. Mi nombre es John  2. Clase - Class  Eg. Hay una Clase de señor Kim  3. Universidad - University  Eg. Mi hermano studiar en una Universidad   grande  Hope... This will help you See you in next lesson Powered by Skill1on1class

Essential Vocabulary

 Want to learn Spanish words  So, Here We can arrange a lot of Vocabulary  List for you  SO LET'S GET STARTED  1. Word - Palabra  2. Book - Libro  3. Pen - Boligrafo  4. School - Escuela  5. More - Más  Quiz time  Fill it and guess meaning Pa__a__ra   M__s  __s__uel__  Write meanings  Pen -  More -  School -  Book -  Word -  WANT MORE to become our free student  Send us email to Write Subject Want to be student Then,  Compose  ( name)                    ( state and country)                    ( Age)                    ( Email address)      AND DONE....  POWERED BY SKILL1ON1CLASS

learn Spanish free

 Want to learn free Join us today for free You will learned Vocabulary Stories Paragraph And much more After some days you will noticed You can learn Spanish easily Powered by Skill1on1class

Top family words in Spanish

Hello Guys Now its time to learn Essential vocabulary for formal  Situation So..., let's get started Madre - Mother Padre - Father Hernano - Brother Hermana - Sister Familia - Family Want this blog's video lesson Go to Español1on1class Learn in fun YouTube channel

Spanish word of the day

Sí Yes Sí  Yo queiro café por favor Sí Dos boligrafo Learn Spanish for free Español1on1class

Learn Spanish words

 Subscribe Español1on1class on YouTube For video lesson  Want to learn Spanish for free without any effort Learn 3 words in just 1 min Learn all grammar from begginer to advanced Learn in fun  POWERED BY Skill1on1class